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Population Problem In Bangladesh Composition – 2023

Are you looking for a population problem In Bangladesh composition for classes 6,7,8,9,10, SSC, or HSC? You have come to the right place. Population problem In Bangladesh Composition for all class students is written in a very simple way so that students can memorize them easily.

Population Problem In Bangladesh Composition

The population of a country indicates the number of people living in that country. It is an asset for a country if the country can meet the demands of its population. But it becomes a problem when the country can not afford to her people the basic necessities of life. Bangladesh is a small country of 1,47,570 square kilometres. But it has more than 150 million people. So the growing (population of Bangladesh is the burning question of the day.

No other country in the world is so densely populated as Bangladesh where the density of population per square kilometer is over 1000. Every year more than two million people are added to our population.

Bangladesh occupies the position in respect of the total area of the world but she occupies the 8th position among the countries of the world in respect of the population. The present growth rate of the population in Bangladesh is 2.20%. If this alarming growth rate cannot be reduced, the population of Bangladesh will be double within the next twenty years.

The growing population is creating hindrances to every walk of our life. It creates the problems of food, clothing, accommodation, health, education and so on. Our population is much more than our employment. opportunity. So, most of our young generation remain unemployed. There are crowds everywhere in buses, trains, bazars, schools, and colleges.

People have to climb on the roofs of buses and trains to travel from one place to another. There are crowds in shops and markets. It is a Herculean job to get admission to schools and colleges. In the field of jobs, this condition is more shocking. For one single post, there will be a thousand candidates. People can hardly make both ends meet. So, if the population is allowed to grow further, the whole nation will face terrible consequences,

The growth of population is a challenge to our existence as a nation. We should now control the growth of our population and train ourselves to build up a planned society. A family should not consist of more than two children. Early marriage should be stopped. Our women folk must be made educated and conscious, They are to be taught to keep their families planned and small. Our students should be given education on population control. Nation wide publicity about the serious consequences of high birth rate through electronic and press media should be made.

The population problem is the prime problem of our country. All kinds of problems such as food problems, education problems, unemployment problems, health problems, etc. are created by over population. The growth of the population can effectively (re) be kept down by adopting the existing measures of the family planning department. But to realise the problem and implement the plans, education is a must. It is now incumbent on our part to attend more to human resource development and exhort our extra manpower to other countries.


This website has many more paragraphs, Composition, Dialogue, Assignments, Suggestions and more information if you need please visit ParagraphBD.

Population Problem In Bangladesh composition is a composition that keeps the reader interested in the story. It is usually a shorter composition and should be written easily so that it can be read quickly.

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