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Water Pollution Paragraph For Class 6-10, SSC & HSC – 2023

Are you looking for a water pollution paragraph? Then you are in the right place. Read this Paragraph to know more.

Water Pollution Paragraph

Water is a major component of our environment. It is so important for human existence that it is often called ‘life’. We need pure water to drink and for everyday domestic purposes. Polluted water is harmful to the human body.

Water is being polluted continually by human beings in many ways. Farmers use chemicals, fertilizers, and insecticides in their fields. Those toxic chemicals get mixed with the water of the rivers, canals, and ponds through rain and flood. Thus the surface water resource is polluted badly. Again mills and factories throw their toxic chemical waste into rivers and canals. In rural areas, sanitary latrines and drains on the river banks are also responsible for water pollution.

The villagers often throw the dead bodies of animals and rotten plants in the river, adding to water pollution. Steamers and motor launches pollute water by dumping oil and throwing dumps into water. By drinking polluted water, people are affected by various waterborne diseases. Cholera, dysentery, etc., break out in an epidemic form. The government should not allow mills and factories to discharge chemical waste indiscriminately.

Public awareness should be raised. We should train people how to keep water pure and clean. We should always remember that pure water is essential for our life. Through proper waste management, we can minimize the rate of water pollution.

Paragraph Water Pollution

Water, an important element of the human environment is essential for human and plant life. it is next to the air. Water can be polluted in many ways. first of all, farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields to grow more food. The rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with river water, canal water, and pond water.

Secondly, mills and factories pollute water by throwing waste materials and unsold products into the rivers and canals. Steamers, motor launches, and sailboats can pollute water by throwing oil. food waste and human waste in the rivers and canals also pollute water. Besides, the Kutcha drains running into the rivers and canals cause water pollution. Clean water is safe for use, and polluted water harms man.

Water pollution can be prevented in many ways. First of all, we should make the people aware of the fact that water is next air. It is called life. So fertilizer, chemicals, and pesticides should not be allowed to mix with river water, canal water, and pond water. mills and factories should not throw waste materials and unsold products into rivers and canals. steamers, motor launches, and even sailboats should not throw oil, food, and human waste into the rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside should not be built on the banks of rivers and canals. Fine awareness should be created in public.

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